Karla Perez as Selena

NSE-Karla Perez as SELENA
NSE-Karla Perez as SELENA

NSE-Karla Perez as SELENA Tribute
Booking: Neal Shelton
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Karla Perez as Selena Tribute
From her looks to her voice, this show pays tribute to one of the best Mexican-American performers of our time. Karla Perez has proven time and time again over the past two years why she is widely regarded as the top-rated Selena Tribute Artist in the United States and Mexico.
Her backup band is a fantastic group of musicians who play the music of Selena with precision, quality, and respect.
Originally from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico and now living in Phoenix Arizona, Karla’s music career started at the young age of 12. After emigrating to the United States her career exploded taking her to the biggest stages in both the United States and Mexico. She is widely recognized as the number one Artist doing a loving and respectful tribute to the great Selena Quintanilla.
Karla also happens to have a master’s degree in Education and teaches Spanish at the Arizona State University Preparatory Academy, Phoenix, AZ.